Friday, October 17, 2014

Principles of Design

These concepts will help me understand the different kinds of designs that images could be. It can help me mix different types of artwork designs into one. This can help create allusions and new kinds of surrealism. It can help improve the art and make it better.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Practice- Poster Project 7

CD Cover and Poster Design Reflection Questions

1) I would say that the CD Cover was the most successful because of how the way it looks. I feel that I put more effort and time into my CD Cover to make it sellable and beautiful. My CD Cover looks very 3Dish and colorful. I had more ideas for the CD Cover than the poster. The poster was hard to do because I could not copy it from the CD Cover.

2) I wanted my CD Cover to show today's kind of art which is very surreal. My art is very manipulative and very poppy. It is not boring because of all the swirls that is happening in the cover. I manipulated all the pictures so that it shows different layers of illusion and cool effects inside the cover. Everything came together and as a result, my CD Cover was very successfully.

3) No because both come in one package. If people want to buy my CD Cover and Poster, it needs to come together. People will not understand my meaning if they don't buy both of them. I feel my products will not make enough money if not bought together.

4) I found challenging was the poster. It was hard to come up with ideas to make the poster. I couldn't just copy the CD Cover I had to bring a new idea to life. I could made it better by putting more detail with my work.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Multimedia- CD Cover Project (Part 1)

                Surrealism originated in the late 1910s and early 1920s. This kind of art showed images of people's imagination and what they are thinking. Art like this plays an impact on me because it shows different people's imagination and sometimes what I imagined. Sometimes it's good to see realistically what your imagining and putting on art. Surrealism makes something real and put it as its own. This art is very detailed and to buy a CD cover it has to show some kind of symbolism that represents itself. No one will ever be appealed to buy a plain CD cover. Surrealism can be used for me by letting my imagination go into my artwork. Two things that I can enjoy can combined into one big thing that I enjoy.